Saturday, March 14, 2009


So I have now completed the first portion of my "comprehensive" exams to receive my Master's degree. I took two exams on Thursday and one yesterday. I felt really good about one, ok about another, and not so ok about the last one. I'm hoping that I am just worrying too much and that I did ok on all of them. Assuming that I pass all of those exams, I will take an oral exam on the 10th of April, and if that goes well, then I will have my Master's Degree (assuming that I pass the one class that I'm taking right now, which I've never had trouble passing a class in the past so...).

I am now sitting in Corbin watching the temperature hover around 40 degrees, watching the snow melt under the cold rain that is falling from the sky. The radar was completely green this morning when I woke up so my 3 hour ride is looking highly doubtful. And my 14 mile run which was scheduled for tomorrow may end up happening today on the treadmill just so I may be able to ride tomorrow. If that happens, then that may be a PR for distance on a treadmill in one run, haha. Not really a PR that I am proud to be attempting to break. I was hoping the temperature might jump up a little bit, or that the rain may stop for a little, but I doubt that happens thanks to the updates from the weather channel.

I may end up making up some of these workouts next week. This week hasn't been as bad as past weeks because of my exams. I have studied a little more, and exercised a little less than I have in recent weeks. But next week the weather is supposed to be amazing, so I may try to ride almost every day. I have a Master's swim meet next weekend that I'm looking forward to. I'm swimming in several events, so hopefully I'll be able to get in a lot of yardage over the weekend. I'm signed up for: the mile, 500 free, 200 free, 100 free, 200 IM, 100 IM, and 100 fly. And I know that our Master's coach will throw me on a few relays. So that will be around 3,000 yards of racing. Who knows how much I'll warm up, and cooldown between the races. And hopefully I'll be able to throw in a run or bike in those days as well.

Well, back to laundry duty. I'm working on load 6 of 8. I kind of got behind with my dirty clothes in the past few weeks, ha.


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