Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

I spent the weekend in Bowling Green with most of my family and had a great time. I left Saturday afternoon after work and came back late last night. I was able to squeeze in my longest run of the year with my brother and eat lots of amazing food. We had a huge lunch at my Aunt Jill and Uncle Brent's house. They cooked up some amazing burgers, grilled chicken, asparagus, strawberry pretzel salad, and some other amazing sides. And to top it off, we had some Coconut cake (which I love). I ate until I couldn't eat anymore. I guess that is one of the bonuses of running 15+ miles in the morning.

It was really nice to catch up with the extended family and to see my mom on Mother's day.

Last week may have been my biggest (hardest) week of the year and I'm happy about it. I have been having a lot of fun with training and haven't really dreaded a single workout yet. Getting out of bed for the early morning workouts haven't been as hard as usual. I have had some swimming partners, biking partners, and running partners, which I'm not used to having for all 3 sports. I have had 2 great weeks of cycling and hope to continue this training. I'm taking today easy as it was nice to sleep in this morning.

And it was cool to check out the results of Rev3 in Knoxville and it really made me wish that I had raced (excluding the cold temps). It is rare to have such a big event so close to home, and unfortunately I didn't put in the training this off season to want to race this early in the year. But I hope the race had great success and they return to Knoxville next year. Congrats to Kevin Ryan on his solid performance in the Elite Male category there. He dominated the swim and held on for a 10th place finish.

Until next time.


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