When I was first introduced to Vector 450, I had no idea what I was even looking at. I was told that our team, Tri4Him, was sponsored by Vector 450. and I was like, cool? It was a bottle of pills that could potentially help me during heavy training loads. I guess I'll give it a shot, it was approved by USADA/WADA and was taken by some of my fellow athletes and even Lebron James??? Of course I'll try it.
Vector 450 contains Muno-IgY which stands for Immunoglobulin from Yolk - found in the common hen egg yolk. It supports your body's immune system. It helps it perform optimally and properly.
When I first started taking it, I looked a lot like this...
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I may be exaggerating. |
Well, now almost 2 months later, I have been taking it daily, and am a huge believer. I started only taking 1 pill per day since it was my only bottle and it had 60 pills in it. I could make it stretch 2 months. But I ordered some more after 2 weeks and immediately started taking 2-3 pills a day depending on the day. I take 2 pills every day, and 3-4 on days that have a lot of volume/intensity.
And now I look like this...
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ok, maybe not, but it's a metaphor for how I feel ;) |
Benefits that I have personally noticed:
1. Makes me VERY regular, if you know what I mean. I have yet to make an "emergency" stop during a training run since I started taking Vector 450. I wake up, have my morning coffee while reading my daily devotional, drink my UCAN, do my "business" and then go out and knock out my morning workout.
2. Helps with Allergies. I have always had a little issue with seasonal allergies and I always relied on Sudafed until I got my pro card and found out it was a banned substance. I immediately stopped taking Sudafed and just suffered with slight allergy problems since 2008. Nothing crazy, just lots of stuffiness which turns into snot rockets during training run/bike/swims. But since I started taking this, I have noticed I can breathe out of my nose better than I have been able to in the past 3-4 years. and it has been allergy season.
3. Faster recovery. Most recently, I did a 65 mile bike w/ efforts going straight into a 5 mile run with some short efforts. The next day I had a very challenging longer run which I didn't think I could do after Saturday's workouts. I ended up having a great workout. This has happened on multiple occasions when I had back-to-back tough days and I nailed all of the workouts. But I have only been able to do this since I started taking Vector 450.
4. Less soreness. I guess this goes along with the faster recovery, but I couldn't believe how good I felt after NOLA 70.3. The only soreness I had was from my little spill I had the day before the race and bruised my ribs.
If you want to give it a shot, use my code to order some and get a pretty good discount. TWHITETRI14
Check out their website for more info...
Vector 450
Tone Loc
ps. In all honesty, I have lost weight, but I believe that was due to the fact I cut ice cream from my diet for a few weeks. During the winter, I eat A LOT of ice cream. Vector 450 is not a weight loss or muscle building supplement. Just having some fun ;)
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