Well, I guess that foot problem that I was dealing with at the end of the season last year never really got 100% healthy as it is back. I am now on day 16 of no running and it is feeling better which is a good sign. I did go to the doctor this time and got an x-ray to make sure it wasn't a stress fracture or heel spur. The pain is mainly in my right heel and it only really bothers me when I'm running downhill as I tend to put a little more force on my heels when I'm running downhill, who knew??? Swimming was my only form of activity last week to give it a full break and I did cycle yesterday but I believe my foot wasn't too happy with me this morning so I just swam twice today. I figured this may be a blessing in disguise and will allow me to work on my swim. The next few weeks will probably be some high yardage with some quality workouts along with some cycling as the foot gets better. Cycling doesn't stress my foot too much so I should be fine as long as I'm not doing anything crazy. When I have been running over the past 2 months, the pain would be bearable during the run, but the worst part would be the rest of the day when I'm just walking around. The run would irritate it and then I would limp around afterwards. I figured that isn't any way to spend this whole season so I backed off and am letting my heel heal, ha.
And I figured my blog needed an update. Let me know what you think.
Here is the swim workout I did yesterday just for fun. You can adjust the send off's as needed.
Main set
4 x 150 odds first and last 50 at take out/finish effort, middle 50 long and lovely Evens middle 50 fast, 1st and last 50 perfect - 2:10
4 x 50 odds easy, evens mile pace :50
4 x 125 odds 1st and last 50 at take out speed, evens middle 25 fast 1:50
4 x 50 odds easy, evens 1000 pace :55
4 x 100 odds 1st and last 25 at take out speed. Evens middle 50 fast 1:40
4 x 50 evens at 500 pace 1:00
4 x 75 odds 1st and last length at take out/finish speed evens middle length fast 1:10
4 x 50 evens fast 1:05
200 easy
And a little picture in honor of my wedding that is coming up in September.
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